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One week might be only a glimpse into inner-city ministry, but each year when college students spend their spring break in one of our cities, lives are touched. During Urban Immersion™, students are given a crash course in bringing the hope of the gospel into urban neighborhoods while serving our partner ministries.
Last spring, two students left a definite impression on a woman they encountered in Los Angeles. On a Sunday afternoon, the students headed to a nearby park to meet new people and strike up conversations. Their hope was that these conversations might open a door to talk about spiritual things and give opportunity to share the gospel.
Chance and Nicole nervously walked the park together, seeking what God would have for them. They noticed a woman sitting on a bench, and felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to approach her. She held a dog in one hand and a fuming cigarette in the other; her jacket was tattered and dirty. She looked a little intimidating to Chance. He noticed that her face seemed strained with what seemed like hopelessness. The students walked up to the woman and asked if they could sit with her. She shrugged, "Got nothing else going on today." They all introduced themselves — the woman's name was Linda.
As they listened to Linda, the students learned that not only had she been kicked out of her house and was living in her car, but also that her mother had recently died. As she told them her story with tears in her eyes, she added that as her mother was dying, she had blamed Linda for causing trouble and giving her the stress that led her there. Clearly the guilt of the accusation weighed on Linda's heart.
The students continued to listen to Linda, and eventually the conversation began to turn to matters of faith. Although Linda was open to hearing about God, she told them she was "50-50 on the whole God thing." She blamed Him for much of the pain her life. It seemed those thoughts were keeping her from committing to Him. She couldn't understand why he would "put her through" it all. Chance told her he didn't have an answer for that, but that her experiences had certainly been painful and God cared about her.
As they talked, Linda expressed another need: she was hungry. She hadn't eaten in two or three days, and wondered if there was a food kitchen open that night. The students didn't know, but they thought of something even better! They realized that their conversation about God's love could also be demonstrated! Hoping to display God's compassion for her, Chance and Nicole asked Linda if they could buy her dinner. She laughed at the offer and said, "No! You guys are crazy," but after a bit of convincing she accepted their offer.
Then they saw something change in Linda — a beautiful smile leapt onto her formerly dreary and guarded face. As they walked to the restaurant, she was joyful and talking freely; she was happy. The students' conversation with Linda and their generosity that demonstrated God's love for her planted a seed in her life. Chance and Nicole continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to draw Linda to faith in Christ.
We eagerly look forward to God working in the lives of people in need and in student's hearts creating this spring when we welcome college students to experience Urban Immersion with Cru® Inner City.
Previous Posts
• Race Issues Are Gospel Issues
• She Needed God
• Addressing Racial Strife...
• Dani's New Hope
• Even in the Rain
Alicia Losier serves as the Communications Specialist for Cru's inner-city ministry.
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