How to Thrive in College - Blog

Tacos, Kites and Late Nights

How to grow my faith at a secular college

College will be tons of fun, but it will also be a challenge for your faith. The choices you make about which campus groups to invest in and who to hang out with will largely determine what your spiritual growth looks like in college.

Strong relationships with like-minded students will help you grow in your faith. So how do you find good friends in a new environment? Friendships are founded on common interests and the best ones are often centered around Christ. You’ll need to go to Christian campus ministry events. It might feel uncomfortable when you don’t know lots of people there, but don’t sweat it. This is normal. Keep going!

Hebrews 10:25 says, “Do not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another.”

This is talking about church. Along with a student Christian community, get plugged into a local church. How do you find a church at college? Find Christians on campus first and then ask them for church suggestions. Older Christian students can usually set you up with rides and introduce you to older men and women at church.

More than the community you find on campus and through a local church, the most important factor in your spiritual growth in college will be your own pursuit of Jesus. Learn more about your relationship with Him. Think hard about what it means to belong to His family. Respond to His invitation to intimacy.

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