How to Thrive in College - Blog

3 Steps To Growth

How to grow spiritually in college

College is an exciting time. You’re in a new place. You’re making decisions on your own about how to spend your time and who to hang out with. You’re discovering new things about yourself and those around you. College can also be a time when you grow with God in ways you never have before. 

Here are three important principles that will greatly contribute to your spiritual growth in college.

1. Read the Bible and Pray Every Day

It sounds very basic, but it's incredibly important.

The fundamental ways God speaks to you and nurtures your soul are through His Word and in prayer. Nothing can replace the intimacy and understanding that comes with a regular devotional life. Read more about loving the Bible.

2. Get Plugged Into a Healthy Christian Community

Being in a Christian community helps you grow spiritually more than anything else. Think about it: the power of community is why people go to college in the first place. Anybody could buy the books you read in college and watch lectures online, but that can’t replace the power of learning together with like-minded students in real-life community. The same is true for the body of Christ. Learning about God alongside other believers can help you grow exponentially.

How do you know if a Christian community on campus is healthy? Ask yourself three questions:

  1. Does this community love Jesus?
  2. Does this community of people love one another and people who are outside of it?
  3. Does this community express commitment to the local church?

Dig deeper into the role of community in spiritual growth.

3. Be on Mission.

Feed the hungry, help the hurting, and share the Good News of Jesus. Think about your Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Vacation. There are amazing opportunities to be on mission during any of those times. Find a mentor to help you learn how to be on mission in your classes and in your home.

We can’t wait to hear from you and meet you soon!

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