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Although Matthew precedes the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament, Mark is considered the first of the four Gospels to be written. Possibly written and published in Rome between A.D. 60 and 70, Mark addressed his book to the Roman Christians. Romans were a practical people and did not care about Jewish history and beliefs. The Romans loved action. So Mark writes a brief Gospel full of Jesus' miracles and deeds, not His sermons.
While Matthew described Jesus as a King, Mark tells of His servanthood. Therefore, Mark approaches his Gospel differently. Mark shows how Jesus first directed His public ministry to the Jews, but when their leaders opposed Him, He also went to the Gentile world. However, both Matthew and Mark record the Great Commission of our Lord to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
Although Mark's Gospel is the shortest, it is brimming with the love Jesus showed for others and the mission He came to complete.
Read Mark 10:45. State Mark's objective for writing his Gospel.
Read Mark 1:20 and 3:13-35. How did Jesus choose His followers? What do these passages say about the qualifications Jesus expects in His disciples?
In Mark 1:21-28, how was Jesus described as a teacher?
One of the most striking ways in which the Gospel of Mark differs from Matthew is that it places greater emphasis on what Jesus did rather than what He said. What were some of the things Jesus did that caused the religious scholars of His day to be so angry with Him (Mark 2:1-3:6)?
Note the four miracles of Jesus, performed in Mark 4-5:43. List one characteristic of Jesus in each incident.
What one thing hinders Jesus from exercising His power and control in the lives of men (Mark 6:1-6)?
Compare Matthew and Mark's accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection. What differences did you find? How does having two accounts help you better understand Christ's sacrifice for you?
Describe how Christ the servant is exalted (Mark 16:1-20)? How does Jesus combine the qualities of both King and servant?
List several ways Jesus' example as servant has inspired you to serve others. How can you put these ideas into practice this week?
To what degree does unbelief hinder Christ from exercising His power and control in your life?
How can you best exalt Jesus through your life (Mark 16:15,20)? What are you going to do to implement this? How could you increase your efforts in this area?
Adapted from The 10 Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity, by Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Cru. All rights reserved.
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