
Interview with a Mongolian Doctor

In 1989 there may have only been 4 Christians in all of Mongolia, according to Operation World. Now there are over 40,000 believers, all of them first generation Christians. Amarjargal “Amra” Enkhsaikhan is one of them. She is the first in her family to follow Jesus Christ. As an emergency room doctor, Amra looks for opportunities to honor God through her work and in every aspect of her life.  

Liz Hartwell, a writer for Cru.org, sat down with Amra over tea, to talk about her work and involvement with LeaderImpact’s medical ministry in Mongolia.

Liz: How do you see God using you at the hospital?

Amra: Many times I find my co-workers talking about me. I have worked at the hospital for two years now and word has gotten around that I am a Christian. They notice that I handle a certain situation or patient differently than the other doctors.The gospel is still very new in Mongolia so the doctors can be hard to work with. Their attitudes towards their work and their patients sometimes shocks me but I feel that God is inviting me to reach out to them more.

Liz: How did you decide to follow Jesus?

Amra: The campus ministry came to my school and shared the gospel with me. After being involved with them for a month, I accepted Jesus Christ. I loved the Cru environment, how people treated each other and helped each other out.

Liz: What changed in your life after becoming a Christian?

Amra: Before I became a Christian I was fearful and and lacked self-confidence. When I became a Christian, God began to show me my identity in Him. He gave me a purpose for being and also for studying medicine.

Liz: Tell me about your family.

Amra: I live with my parents and younger sister. I am the only Christian in my family. They do not understand my faith. They are not happy that I have become a Christian. Sometimes they ask me funny questions, like: ‘When will you retire as a Christian?’ ‘When will you give up your ridiculous faith?’ ‘When will you live as a normal Mongolian?’

Liz: Tell me about your professional and spiritual goals.

Amra: The words of Jesus in Mark 2:17 come to mind: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” I know God has called me to serve the sick. I like to help others in their healing process. Ultimately, I think I would like to become a psychiatrist because I enjoy listening to patients. I like the blend of secular and spiritual that I get at my job as Associative Staff with LeaderImpact’s medical ministry.

Next Steps:

  • How do you see God using you at your work?
  • What was one thing in your life that changed after becoming a Christian?
  • What are your professional and spiritual goals?

Read more about what God is doing in Mongolia.

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