


Population: 2,701,117

Located in Northern Asia, between China and Russia


Map of Mongolia

Buddhism, Shamanism, and Islam are recognized as Mongolia's main religions, but certain religious freedoms are granted to all people. There are some restrictions on foreign religious workers, but Mongolia is effectively one of the most open countries in Asia with limited government interference in Christian work.


From Political to Spiritual Freedom

Though less than 1% of the people are believers, Mongolia’s political and economic freedom has opened the door for a quickly growing church led by young new leaders.

First team of Native American students reaches Mongolia

Cru’s Nations movement gains momentum by taking its first international trip as 3 Native American students travel to Mongolia.

Answered Prayers

During a FamilyLife camp in northern Mongolia, five husbands indicated decisions to follow Christ.

An Artistic Approach to the Gospel

After years of being miserable a musician accepts Christ through Cru in Mongolia and commits to telling other musicians that there is no loneliness in God’s presence.

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