Inner City

Backpack Outreach for Children in Inner Cities

You can be involved in helping provide school supplies and hope to kids this fall.

Photo courtesy of Meredith Gandy

When a church in Ft. Smith, Ark., gave 6-year-old Curtis some school supplies last August, the result led to life-change.

Curtis has 4 brothers, a sister and a disabled dad who has been in and out of jail. His mom tries to provide for the large family working long hours for little money.

Moving is frequent with trying to find affordable housing. Without much food at home, Curtis knows hunger .

As students like Curtis are heading back to school, Here’s Life Inner City, the compassionate urban ministry of Cru, is partnering with inner-city churches similar to the one in Ft. Smith with a “PowerPack” outreach.

The PowerPacks, which Curtis received, are simply backpacks for school-aged children filled with needed school supplies to begin a new school year.

Included inside these PowerPacks are age-appropriate spiritual materials on the teachings of Jesus Christ and how to know Him. Urban churches distribute these materials to inner-city children reaching them and their families with the love of Christ.  

Children like Curtis will receive the PowerPacks this month. These PowerPacks can bring dignity, hope, and reach out in a way that might lead to new life in Christ through the participating church.

A family may be reached through your generosity and compassion.

The PowerPacks contain 12 items such as pencils, paper, crayons, plus the spiritual materials. What is put into the backpack varies by city.

After Curtis got involved with the church’s program, his hyperactivity and attention-craving on the first day of school got him suspended.   However, he began to calm down as mentors at the church helped him understand the love of God and cared for him.  He has become very responsive to the truths of Scripture and more successful as a student.
The Here’s Life Inner City nationwide goal is to supply urban churches with 1,300 Powerpacks by the end of August.

Is the ministry in my city?

To find out if HLIC is in your city, click on “cities” on their website.

How I can get involved if HLIC is in my city?

You can purchase PowerPack items and deliver to your local HLIC office by the specified date, or help pack the PowerPacks at the office on the scheduled date.  Urban churches will then deliver these PowerPacks. Contact your local HLIC ministry for details of time and location.

How I can get involved if HLIC is not in my city?

You can give to help equip urban partners with PowerPacks. Your gift purchases the pack, school supplies and ensures delivery as well as on-going ministry to connect with selected children. There are 13 cities distributing the PowerPack project.

Give online specifically toward the PowerPacks: $29.50 for a backpack for 1 child, $59 for backpacks for 2 children, $88.50 for backpacks for 3 children, $147.50 for backpacks for 5 children, or $295 for backpacks for 10 children.

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