
Ukraine: A Wheelchair Brings Joy

The Global Aid Network helps the people in the Chernobyl region of Ukraine by distributing Bags of Blessings and Wheelchairs

After many years of serving in Ukraine, this country continues to be a key target in Global Aid Network’s outreach plan. 

In 2009, Global Aid Network worked in Ukraine to help custom fit wheelchairs for people with physical disabilities.  Many of the people had been bedridden or lived with restrained mobility because they lacked a wheelchair.

Irena Farinets, a twelve-year-old, is one person who was helped.  Ira, as she is called, is youngest in her family and because she has a disability affecting her legs, teachers come to her home to provide school lesson –she is physically unable to attend a public school. 

When Global Aid Network was distributing wheelchairs in Mukachevo, Ukraine, Ira came alone from the nearby village, Kolchino, to receive help. 

Using heavy wooden crutches, she awkwardly trudged along with great difficulty.  When Ira tried using a walker, it too was hard for her to walk.  A wheelchair was the best solution and when she was fit with a chair her face beamed with excitement as she expressed how fast she will now move and play with her friends. 

Global Aid Network also worked in several villages, Velyki Karashin, Prybirsk, and Gornostaipil, in the Chernobyl region of the country—the area affected by the meltdown of the nuclear reactor in April 1986.  The outreach was done in coordination and support of a local church to extend tangible help and the message of Christ to the villagers. 

Global Aid Network Bags of Blessings were filled with an assortment of dry foods, school supplies, children’s Bibles, and other gifts.  Hearts were filled with joy and hope as the Good News was shared with those participating.

In 2009, Global Aid Network sent 6 containers of humanitarian aid into Ukraine which included clothing, shoes, CarePacks of school supplies, blankets, wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and canes.

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