Christian Embassy, D.C.

Thanksgiving in Washington

Christian Embassy staff members host a dinner for diplomats.

Dressed in period costumes and serving a traditional Thanksgiving meal, Christian Embassy staff members host an annual Thanksgiving dinner for diplomats in Washington, D.C. “Given their busy schedules, God is often not uppermost in the ambassadors’ minds but this dinner helps them focus on spiritual things in an interesting setting,” said Lee Bennett, leader of diplomatic outreach for Christian Embassy, a Cru ministry.

The staff members perform a skit about America’s first Thanksgiving and illustrate a lifestyle of faith in Jesus Christ. Afterward they gather comment cards from the attendees and pray for the opportunity to build relationships with those open to further contact. Last Thanksgiving, among those who attended were several ambassadors who attended their first Christian Embassy event.

For the diplomatic team of Christian Embassy, their mission field is comprised of 3,500 diplomats and spouses who represent over 175 countries in our nation’s capital. The responsibilities of ambassadors include interfacing with our U.S. government, making business contacts and finding money to develop their countries. Staff members try to meet them early in their tours of duty, praying that God will meet their true need of salvation through Jesus Christ.

“Many Christians are often hesitant to reach out to those in top leadership positions whether in the Diplomatic Corps, in Congress, at the Pentagon, or among presidential appointees, yet these are the very groups that Christian Embassy seeks to engage with the gospel,” Bennett said.

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