Christian Embassy, D.C.

Reaching Out on Capitol Hill

Looking across the table at the young, ambitious women, Allison Hines saw herself in them.

A few years earlier, she, too, was an intern on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. During those 3 months, her zeal for her country and desire to make changes grew and grew.

Most importantly, she realized she needed to be grounded in her relationship with God -- not easy amidst a flood of ideologies and influences.

Eventually, Allison took a full-time job serving a Colorado congressman. A month later, she met Sue Vernalis, a staff member with Christian Embassy, the arm of Cru that reaches out to men and women in government.

"Allison has a real eager heart for the Lord," says Sue. "It's difficult to be a Christian in Washington, D.C., and she stands out."

Sue began to mentor her, and challenged Allison to reach out to the incoming interns. Though she had never before led a Bible study, Allison started a weekly group.

And that's how she found herself in a Starbucks, sitting with 8 female interns.

"No matter where they go or what they do," says Allison, now 23, "their relationship with Christ needs to be central."

It's a foundation Allison is helping these women find amidst the bustle of Capitol Hill.

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