
The Secret of 2 Questions

Starting a life-changing conversation is easier than you think and you can do it anywhere.

Refreshing Conversation

Five practical ideas about evangelism for daily life.

Are You Afraid of Offending People With Your Faith?

Helping you obey the Lord’s call to evangelism without turning people away.

Apple vs. Android - What Would Jesus Do?

Hackathons provide a space for like-minded people with varied skills, to begin forming a movement leveraging technology for the cause of Christ.

Bringing the Gospel Home

How do you talk to your parents about Jesus? How can I witness to my family? There tends to be three recurring themes: patience, love and comprehensiveness.

Can Christian Coders Save The World?

A global hackathon is helping a unique group of people find one another and begin forming a movement of their own.

Community 2:8 (Evangelistic Community)

Our incredibly high ratio of exposures to involved new believers has left me longing for our evangelistic approaches to be not only successful, but also effective.

How Can You Connect in a Time of Self-Isolation?

Social distancing, so unprecedented for most of us, also raises particular questions for the Christian community. How do we do life differently during a global crisis like this?

Creatively Communicating the Gospel with Technology

Brian, a high school student in Oklahoma leads Adam, a college student in North Dakota to pray and receive Christ using his iPhone and the Internet.

Do Talk to Strangers

Learn how you can respond to God's call to share your faith with others.

Don't Wait – Spill Your Secrets

Some will say you should build a resume of trust first, before risking telling the mystery of the gospel. That helps, but it’s not essential.

Evangelism Without a Bullhorn

What does it really look like to obey Jesus’ command to spread the gospel?

Father Knows Best

Talking to God about someone's needs can bring a chance to talk about God.

Evangelism First Steps

3 stories about first-time evangelism.

How Should Christians Respond To Earth Day?

I believe nature is one of the most powerful tools we have in worship and evangelism.

How to Love Someone When You Think They’re Wrong

"It shouldn’t surprise you that people hold onto their beliefs and ideologies strongly. I know this because it’s exactly what I do."

How to Talk to Your Family about Christ

Learn to overcome your fear of sharing the gospel with loved ones.

An Evangelism Tool You Already Have

As believers, each of us has our own story: the story of how we met Jesus. When combined with our desire to tell others about Him, we have a powerful, versatile and meaningful way to connect others with the very heart of God.

Those in Your Own Backyard

Discover practical tips for talking about Jesus to your neighbors.

Not Missing An Opportunity to Share Jesus

While waiting for a bus in Kansas, an Ethiopian Cru® staff member meets a man from an unreached people group in his home country. He shares the gospel with him using an app, and the man decides to follow Jesus.

Overcoming Fears and Excuses

One man’s internal struggle to share the gospel will shine insight into your fears in witnessing.

Prayer, Care and Share

Learning ways to include evangelism in your daily life.

Should You Call Yourself "Evangelical?"

Now, more than ever, as followers of Jesus in a post-Christian culture, what we do needs to match what we say.

Social Media: Waste of Time or New Evangelism Tool?

A digital day of outreach created numerous conversations in Australia.

Was It a Waste of Time?

Opportunity to talk about Jesus doesn’t go as planned for one woman on an airplane.

Talking About Jesus in a Parking Lot

Sus and Mike Schmitt meet an 18-year-old who asks a life-altering question.

The Tell-Tale Art

How your story can help change lives.

This Woman Has Found An Instant Gospel Conversation Starter

Earline Blumhagen’s strategy is connecting with both urban and deaf communities.

Building Life-Changing Friendships in the Everyday

Understanding the value of community to know others and share your love of Jesus doesn’t just happen – it takes intention.

What Happens When People Google “Jesus”

We turn to the internet for our ordinary, mundane, and sometimes embarrassing questions. But we also look to this infinite store of knowledge for answers to life's most complex moral, intellectual, and spiritual quandaries.

Why You're Losing the Thinking Man's Battle

The American church is sorely lacking in its ability to equip believers intellectually for the battle this world is currently waging.

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