Articles on Target-audience:roles/volunteer

Makings of a Leader

Andrea Buczynki, Cru’s Vice President for Global Leadership and Development, provides an explanation and overview of the roles and responsibilities of a leader that are the foundation of our ministry’s leadership model.

Top Tools for Transferable Training

Ministry becomes effective when we accurately apply specific tools, using Biblical strategies, under the power of the Holy Spirit. To get the job done, here are some of the tools to consider adding to the top drawers of your tool chest.

Lord, How Do I Use My Time?

“Everybody said I was a fool when I resigned,” said Sonia Pandya, former IT worker in South Asia. But after 16 years in the workforce, Sonia decided it was better for her to stay at home. She didn’t know what she would do to fill her days, but God did.

Longing for a More Meaningful Workday?

One woman’s testimony on how she became a believer and now shares her faith in the office.


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