
Longing for a More Meaningful Workday?

Have you ever wondered if you have made a difference in someone’s life at work by sharing the gospel? Have you seen people come to know the Lord and in turn share the gospel with other people at your workplace?

Jade Wong* has worked for more than 20 years at a large IT company. One day, she met a woman who came in to work on a product with her team. Jade noticed her co-worker was polite, professional and was a Christian. Through working with her Jade saw her  co-worker’s life was different. She worked hard at her job and invested time in Jade’s life. She found out Jade loves music and shared songs about Jesus with her. Through her co-worker Jade became a believer. Her co-worker took the initiative with Jade to share what she believed about Jesus.

“I learned that God loves you and created you. He knows the number of hairs on your head. That comforted me to hear. That day, I knelt down and told him, ‘I don’t know you but you can change my life. You can change my life for the better.’” said Jade.

About 10 years later, Jade reflected on how she came to know the Lord and saw the need for the gospel and fellowship in her workplace.

“I don’t want to just survive at work, I want to do something more. If we live a Christian life at work, people will see the difference in us,” she said.

This difference stands out in Jade’s company where people are focused on achievement and wanting to rise in the company. They are not focused on spiritual growth.

Jade’s company is constantly going through change with new people coming in and others moving around in the company. Jade wanted to encourage people who enter  into a new role in her office and help them through the challenging time of transition.  

Jade encourages new employees to stay strong in the faith, even when the company isn’t perfect; to rely on God, when colleagues don’t help us as we wish they would; and to seek out help from other believers.

“Whenever you have issues you can come to me and we can have lunch together or tea and talk through the hardships and pray together,” she offers to others.

Jade is an example of someone who is multiplying her faith in the office by coming to know the Lord and now reaching out to her co-workers. You can share your faith in your workplace.  If you are struggling to have courage, you can invite others to come alongside and encourage you.

As people continue to enter into new jobs at your workplace, you can encourage them to make a difference for God. What would you say to a new employee in your office?

Jade is willing to meet people over lunch to talk through life and pray together. Who at your work can you invite to lunch to share about life, pray with and encourage?

*Name changed for security reasons

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