Articles on Secular-topics:holidays/lent

What Are the Defining Moments in Your Life?

Do you feel like your next step is impossible? Discover how even Jesus wrestled with the difficulty of His defining moment.

What Will You Lay Down for Lent?

During this season of Lent, allow God to lead you into a time of reflection and surrender. You stand to gain far more than you have to lose.

What Is Lent All About, and Why Is It Important?

What does it mean to give something up for Lent? How does Lent prepare you for Easter? What exactly do people do during Lent? Find out the answers to these questions and more.

Lent Phone Wallpapers

Lent phone wallpapers to download.

Lent: How to Slow Down and Make More Room for Jesus in Your Life

The death and resurrection of Jesus is the big storyline of the Bible. It’s no surprise, then, that a majority of Christians celebrate it every year on Easter Sunday. But did you know some people start getting ready for Easter 40 days before it happens?


We invite you to join us over the next 40 days by seeking to silence the world and to prepare your heart for the celebration of Easter.

Prepare Your Heart for Easter

Move beyond the candy and bunnies and prepare your heart for the true meaning of Easter.

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