Articles on Secular-topics:emotions/love

Searching for Real Answers Online

Sandeep Sharma searched for love. What he found was a relationship with God. Now, he serves as an online responder for others who also are seeking answers to their questions about God.

Radvile Aleknaite

A search for purpose leads this 22-year old economics student to find meaning in Christ.

Blessed to be Broken

Tasha from Kean University comes to Christ after failing to change her life through her own power.

Is God’s Love What You Need to Change Your Life?

What does it mean when people say God changed their lives? Is God’s love really that powerful?

How to Change Your Life: Motivation, Courage and Love

Change requires risk, which means it also requires courage. It takes motivation to overcome obstacles along the way. Sometimes those obstacles are too much for us to face on our own, but true love can help us find the courage we need to change.

20 Inspiring Bible Verses About God’s Amazing Love for You

In the Bible God frequently expresses His love for people who reject Him in return. If you need reminding of God’s love for you, start with these 20 great examples.

How to Stop Being Distracted and Build Better Relationships

There can be many barriers to building relationships. Learn how to find true community by addressing the roots of the problems that distract us from it.

Where Does Your Value Come From?

Feeling valuable can influence your emotions, decisions and mental well being, so finding your value in things that last is important. Are the things you find your worth in satisfying you?

Why Is True Love So Hard to Find?

People seem to be hard-wired for relationship. Connecting with others isn’t just a want, it’s a need. But why is that? And why can it be so hard to find relationships that will truly satisfy?

Getting to the Heart of What Matters in Evangelism

A simple tool can change a Gospel conversation from hurtful to helpful, by making a heart connection.

30 Ways to Show Someone You Care

You can serve others to build relationships for spiritual conversations and to care for others. Here’s 30 ideas to get started.

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