Articles on Secular-topics:emotions/hope

Is God’s Love What You Need to Change Your Life?

What does it mean when people say God changed their lives? Is God’s love really that powerful?

How to Change Your Life: Motivation, Courage and Love

Change requires risk, which means it also requires courage. It takes motivation to overcome obstacles along the way. Sometimes those obstacles are too much for us to face on our own, but true love can help us find the courage we need to change.

Day 7 - 35 Day Challenge

Day 7 of our 35-Day Challenge.

Hope: Are You Anchored or Lost?

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you couldn’t imagine not getting it? Is there anything you can’t imagine living without?

You Could Be a Leader at Risk

There are early warning signs if you know where to look to see if you, or a leader close to you, is at risk for burnout or even moral failure.

Where Does Your Value Come From?

Feeling valuable can influence your emotions, decisions and mental well being, so finding your value in things that last is important. Are the things you find your worth in satisfying you?

Where’s the Peace in the World Filled With Fear?

We have the opportunity to live unafraid because of a hope that isn’t based on wearing a mask or the development of a vaccine but that rests in a relationship with the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

Giving Life Another Chance

Give life another chance. You may be reading this article because you are contemplating killing yourself. Or perhaps you know someone who is. If you are at the end of your rope there are suicide hotlines and other resources here.

How to Hope Again When You’ve Been Disappointed

We’ve all put our hope in something or someone that has ultimately let us down. Is it worth it to keep hoping if you’ve been repeatedly disappointed? Is there anything you can put your hope in that won’t let you down?

7 Ways to Help a Loved One Who Has Experienced Trauma

It’s hard to know how to help someone who has experienced trauma. Here are seven practical and compassionate ways you can care for your loved one.

Advent Devotional

Advent Devotional for December 21 - Silver Bells.

Where Does Your Hope Come From?

Hope can influence your emotions, decisions and mental well-being, so finding hope in things that last is important. Are the things you find your value in fulfilling your hopes?

An Isolated People: What the Deaf Need You to Hear

Andrew Jefferies, a former Cru student at Gallaudet University, explains how a major social gap between the Deaf and hearing communities in the world results in fewer people experiencing the gospel. He provides steps for how hearing people can help change that.

The Secret of Contentment

Praying for our desires does not have to be a sign of discontentment. Read one woman’s journey to find peace during a season of waiting.

It Grew From the Compost Pile

On a recent visit to see my sister Suzy, I got to see the new plants in her backyard vegetable garden, like watermelons, carrots and a half a dozen corn stalks. Suzy later asked if I noticed the cherry tomatoes maturing in a corner.

How To Trust God As You Wait

Do I trust God enough to wait on Him? That’s what one woman wondered after a mysterious diagnosis. Here’s how she learned to wait on God even as her hope was put on hold time and time again.

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