Articles on Location:oceania/au

Was Gaining God Worth Losing My Family?

A student in Australia risks rejection from her parents for her new faith in Christ.

Why Did God Bring Me Here?

Hannah grew up actively disliking God. The first 15 years of her life were spent denying Him outright and laughing at those who chose to believe. Those years of denial and ignorance hit her all at once one night.

A Masking Smile and a Guilty Heart

“I was always trying to make sure I had the approval from others that I feared I didn’t really have from God.”

Is your faith “crazy for God?”

Cru has opportunities for you, whatever the level of your faith. Here are some biblical examples of how people responded to God’s call. Consider what steps of faith God wants you to take next.

Social Media: Waste of Time or New Evangelism Tool?

A digital day of outreach created numerous conversations in Australia.

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