My Story: How My Life Changed

Students Immerse Themselves in the Story of God

Immerse ministry helps students understand more about God.

Over the last four years, Campus Crusade for Christ in Australia has been developing a new residential student camp known as Immerse. Through creative storytelling, interactive experiences, discussion and worship, high school students are invited to immerse themselves in the Story of God. This enables them to gain a clearer understanding of God’s desire to restore His relationship with humanity.

Last year a church in Melbourne, Australia partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ to hold an Immerse group in Thailand. One Thai student named Da, was interested in finding her place in the story. Through it, God transformed her life.

Da believed in Buddhism but had never been to the temple. She knew very little about Christianity because she never had the opportunity to study it or visit a church. After attending the Immerse camp, she learned more about God and had the opportunity to go to church. It felt very different to her. She sang songs, made new friends and noticed everyone’s love for each other in the church. Da enjoyed these Christians because she was able to discuss things with them. “In the Buddhist temple I could never share problems with other and no one really listened,” she says.

Eventually Da became a follower of Christ, and now she has more understanding than before about Jesus, including issues of sin in her life. Now at 16 years old, she sees herself transforming daily. “I used to hang out with the wrong kind of friends late at night – quite often in questionable places,” she says. “Now I am a new person!”

To learn more about Immerse camps in Australia contact

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