Articles on Location:geographies-custom/east-asia-orient

Sung-Min Park

Biography for Sung-Min Park, Vice President for East Asia

When the Unreached Becomes the One Reaching Out

Top executive, Todd, was once considered to be unreached. Now he helps the unreached around him find their way to Christ.

When Honoring God Makes You An Outcast

A Mongolian basketball player earns the respect of his coach and teammates through taking a bold stand for his faith.

The Key to a Nation is Found in a Classroom

A movement of Mongolian school teachers is seeing the gospel spread from their classrooms to families and through a nation.

Serving with Bold Faith in the Military

A lieutenant in Mongolia tells us how he reaches out to his regiment.

Interview with a Mongolian Doctor

In 1989 there may have only been 4 Christians in all of Mongolia, according to Operation World. Now there are more than 40,000 believers, all of them first generation Christians. Amra Charal Enkhsaikhan is one of them. She is the first in her family to follow Jesus Christ.

Being the Face of Jesus in Hospice Care

Enkhee is a medical doctor in Mongolia. She made hospice care her focus because she wanted to impact whole families with the love of Christ. Now she trains other doctors to show Christ’s love to patients with chronic conditions and their families.

A Teacher's Heart (and Advice for New Teachers)

A young teacher in Mongolia prays for her students every time she erases the blackboard. She wants to help reach Mongolia’s 40,000 teachers. She has three tips for new teachers.

Simple Solution Helps a Partnership

Two Baptist missionaries help herdsmen in Mongolia find solutions to challenges. They work closely with Cru to make a lasting impact.

How God Used One Woman’s Debt

Enkhtuya’s story of coming to faith and how God used her struggle with debt to impact people in Mongolia is powerful.

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