Worldwide Challenge Magazine

About Advertising With Us

Worldwide Challenge is the award-winning flagship publication of Cru. It has developed the audience (98% are ministry partners), the quality and the credibility to take your organizationʼs message and extend your reach to 100,000* strong evangelicals who are motivated to grow in their devotion and service to the Lord. Advertising in the magazine is exclusive. Itʼs the only place to reach Cru staff members, donors and ministries, and it offers a 25% advertising-to-editorial ratio, so your ad will receive prime billing.

According to our latest survey conducted by Sabatier Consulting, 70% of our print readers eagerly review their copy of Worldwide Challenge when it arrives every other month and 82% have an 'excellent-to-very good' overall impression of the magazine.

* The survey concluded Worldwide Challenge's pass-on value extends its circulation to approximately 100,000 readers.

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Highlights of Worldwide Challenge readers:


  • 70% / 30% ratio women to men
  • 75% have at least a college degree
  • Median age is 55
  • 80% are married
  • 40% have children at home
  • More than half have household incomes of over $50,000 with 24% over $99,000

Proven Buyers

  • 60% purchase products at their local Christian bookstore
  • 80% said they were hungry for more books, Bibles, DVDs and online resources
  • 60% visit a Christian bookstore regularly
  • 53% make online purchases

Spiritually Committed

  • 80% attend a church or home Bible study
  • 87% serve in a leadership or teaching role within their church
  • 53% actively share the gospel, with many being nurtured by participating in Christian conferences and/or mission trips

Offer Your Message a New Audience

Each year, Worldwide Challenge's audience refreshes with new readership. The majority of readers—‹82%—‹feel that Worldwide Challenge is a quality source of information about Cru activities, with 90+% financially supporting its programs and staff members. Evidence that these readers are solid evangelicals who put their money where their convictions are. More than 60% shop several times a year at Christian bookstores and over 50% visit Christian websites.

Most Worldwide Challenge readers do not read other Christian magazines, i.e., roughly 1% read Charisma; 13% read Christianity Today; and 17% (each) read Decision and Guideposts.

2016 Media Kits and Specifications

Contact Us

For Corporate and Cru Ministry accounts and for online advertising:
Lindy Mason, Advertising Manager
Direct Line — 407.293.6636
Toll-free — 1.800.688.4992 - Option 2, Advertising

Worldwide Challenge Advertising
100 Lake Hart Drive, MC 1600
Orlando, Fl 32832

Advertising Partners

At Worldwide Challenge we are privileged to partner with some great ministries, publishers, seminaries and graduate schools, and like-minded Christian organizations. See our Advertising Partners.

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