Stories by David Mak

David is an extroverted introvert who can rewatch Japanese dramas from the early 2000's over and over again. The one thing his fridge will never lack is a bag of potato chips. 

Grooving to God’s heartbeat

Up-close-and-personal with ForeRunner’s Team Leader

Making disciples on campuses

Cru’s commitment to help every campus disciple discover the beauty–and cost–of discipleship

Embracing my husband’s calling

Seeing missions through the lenses of a missionary’s wife.

Inspirational Christian Stories

Find the most inspirational Christian stories at Cru Singapore. We hope you will be blessed as you read and discover how they overcome their challenges!

Unshakeable joy

How a couple shook off shackles of mourning to embrace their seasons in life

Strength in Weakness. Ambassador for Christ

Rebecca from Cru Singapore Campus Ministry forsook a potentially lucrative career trajectory to be a mentor for youths and young adults.

Hello From Ulaanbaatar

This young millennial gave up her cushy urban life for a stint in Mongolia. What is it like to walk a path less travelled?

Helping creatives marry art and faith

Can art create any tangible good for society? Is art and faith likened to water and oil–they can never mix?


Discipleship is all about relationships. How do you disciple others when things are messy? Hear great insights on what discipleship is - following Jesus and helping others follow him.

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