National Team Leader's Office


The National Team Leader’s Office over-all objective is to provide leadership and services for the national movement to achieve its ministry goals. 

The NTLO has an auxiliary function, relevant to the role of the National Team Leader, such as facilitation of the national leadership team including engagements with the Board of Trustees; Partners and Fund Development; Communications; and Prayer. 

With its variety of tasks, NTLO’s pertinent challenge would be the need for manpower with skills in partners development, marketing, communications, and administration. 


Prayer Requests:

1. Staff and employees

Lead Spirit-filled lives that will result to growth, faith and fruitfulness

Recruitment of skilled volunteers/manpower

Excellence and Integrity in work and ministry 

2. Leadership

Effective facilitation of Cru leadership among National Team Leaders (NLT) and Board of Trustees (BOT), producing effective strategies and plans, relevant policies, infrastructures and resources 

For our BOT and NLT members to conduct their lives above and beyond reproach; to continually abide in Christ; to lead with integrity and compassion. For God’s favor to rest in their families, health, professions and businesses, and daily endeavors.

3. LIFE Initiatives, Communications, Prayer

God’s wisdom, strength and resources as they attend to each department’s tasks 

Increasing teamwork, trust and collaboration 

Lasting impact contributing to transformative and sustainable spiritual movements.


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