Articles on Faith-topics:holy-spirit

Understanding the Trinity

While we cannot fully understand everything about the Trinity (or anything else), it is possible to answer questions and come to a solid grasp of what it means for God to be three in one.

The Holy Spirit and Revival

What does it mean to live a Spirit-filled life?

How Do You Explain the Holy Spirit?

This article unpacks some of Cru’s most used teachings about the third person of the trinity and the Spirit-filled life of a Christian.

3 Messed-Up Views on the Holy Spirit

Discover three false views on the Holy Spirit, and the beautiful truth.

Thirsty: A Devotional on the Holy Spirit

Our most comprehensive - and visually appealing - teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit is now formatted for optimal viewing on tablets. For free!

The "Satisfied?" Prayer Experience

This prayer experience is intended to be adaptable to your prayer group. It can be as short as 40 minutes or extended to two hours, depending on how you use the optional sections.


Bible studies for download or reading on the web, covering a variety of topics and books of the Bible. Great for small group studies or can be enjoyed by yourself.

Marvel's Avengers...and the Holy Spirit?

As our culture is ever changing and now more media saturated than ever, here is a great and fun way to explain the Spirit-Filled Life and equip other Christians.

How To Discern God’s Will

God wants to give us wisdom and insight on the large and small decisions we face in our lives.

Be Filled Series

Use this 8-day content to explore what it looks like to be filled with the spirit.

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