Knowing God

Mom's Prayer Leads To God's Answer

God worked an unexplained miracle for His glory.

Christine Brooks has been a Campus Crusade for Christ missionary for 25 years. During that time she has seen God at work in many ways, especially when she prays.

I was pregnant with my second child. I made an appointment with a specialist because at age 42 I was considered a high-risk pregnancy. After 2 ultrasounds, the doctors were convinced my unborn daughter had a clubbed foot.

When I first got the news, there was a level of emotion as I saw the videotape. But I believed God could do a miracle.

I began praying in the doctor’s office and continued in the car on the way home. I was filled with a God-given faith at the time. I pled for God’s favor on my baby.

As I prayed, the Holy Spirit brought Luke 8:50 to mind, where Jesus told Jairus, “Don’t be afraid, just believe and your daughter will be healed.”

I felt that God was speaking to me and had answered my prayer. I just knew that I didn’t need to pray anymore. I just needed to have the faith to believe, like Jairus.

So I stopped praying and began expecting Anicah to be born with 2 healthy feet. She was. The doctors couldn’t understand why the ultrasound had shown otherwise.

I still have those ultrasound images. I look at them from time to time and it still affects my faith and prayer life today.

I pray about situations more. I believe God for more these days.

When I pray, it’s with more authority because I’ve seen God work.

The Lord heard my prayer. He performed a miracle. Knowing He loves me increases my faith.

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