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University of Florida Professors Answer Who is Jesus?

In this enlightening video, professors from various departments at the University of Florida share their personal views and experiences regarding who Jesus is. The video showcases a diverse array of academic voices, each expressing their unique relationship with and understanding of Jesus in their lives and work.

Featured Professors and Key Messages:

  • Kate Fletcher (Senior Lecturer, Family, Youth, and Community Sciences): Emphasizes redemption, love, grace, and mercy in her relationship with Jesus.

  • John Chen (Assistant Professor, Management): Discusses working for God's glory and the impact of this perspective on his professional life.

  • Edward Minchin (Professor, Construction Management): Speaks about Jesus as a constant friend and Savior.

  • Jennifer Elder (Professor and Ph.D. Program Director, College of Nursing): Views Jesus as a divine guide with a plan for each individual.

  • Jed Keesling (Professor, Department of Mathematics): Highlights the privilege of having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

  • Adegbola Adesogan (Professor, Animal Sciences): Describes Jesus as his Lord, Savior, guide, protector, and provider.

  • Sally Williams (Associate Professor, Animal Sciences): Shares how Jesus is central to her life as her Savior and protector.

  • B. J. Fregly (Knox T. Millsaps Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering): Reflects on God's grace and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice.

  • Karla Shelnutt (Associate Professor & Extension Nutrition Specialist, Family, Youth, and Community Sciences): Expresses awe at God's love and the personal relationship she has with Him.

Themes and Goals:

The video aims to provide insight into how individuals from various academic backgrounds perceive and integrate their faith in Jesus into their professional and personal lives. It is an invitation for viewers to reflect on the influence Jesus has in the lives of various Christian faculty on campus.

Kate Fletcher [Senior Lecturer – Family, Youth, and Community Sciences]:

Hi, I'm Kate Fletcher. I'm a senior lecturer at the University of Florida in the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences.

John Chen [Assistant Professor – Management]:

My name is John Chen. I'm an assistant professor of Management.

Edward Minchin [Professor – Construction Management]:

My name is Edward Minchin. I am a professor of Construction Management.

Jennifer Elder [Professor and Ph.D. Program Director – College of Nursing]:

I'm Jennifer Elder. I'm a professor and I direct the Ph.D. program in the College of Nursing at the University of Florida.

Jed Keesling [Professor – Department of Mathematics]:

I'm Jed Keesling. I'm a professor of Mathematics at the University of Florida.

Adegbola Adesogan [Professor – Animal Sciences]:

I'm Bola Adesogan, and I'm a professor of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida.

Sally Williams [Associate Professor – Animal Sciences]:

My name is Sally Williams. I am an associate professor in the Department of Animal Sciences.

B. J. Fregly [Knox T. Millsaps Professor – Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering]:

My name is B. J. Fregly. I'm a Knox T. Millsaps professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Karla Shelnutt [Associate Professor & Extension Nutrition Specialist – Family, Youth, and Community Sciences]:

My name is Karla Shelnutt, and I'm an associate professor and extension nutrition specialist in the Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences.

Adegbola Adesogan:

Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and accepting Him was the most important decision I have ever made.

Edward Minchin:

He is my ever present friend, but more importantly, He's my Savior, which means I get to spend eternity with Him forever.

Sally Williams:

He's my Savior, He's my protector, and my life. He's the center of my life.

Karla Shelnutt:

One of the things that I'm in awe of is His love for us.

Kate Fletcher:

The first word that comes to mind when I think about my relationship with Jesus is redemption. Full, complete redemption. Love, grace, mercy.

Jennifer Elder:

We're not here by chance or fate. There's a divine plan. And Jesus is the guide for this life. To help us accomplish what we've been sent here on this earth by God to do.

Jed Keesling:

Jesus said, he who has seen Me has seen the Father. I consider it the greatest privilege of my life to have such a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Karla Shelnutt:

The God that created us and created this universe, who is so majestic and powerful, still loves me and pursues me and wants to have a relationship with me.

John Chen:

I work for His glory, rather than Him serving my glory, or me serving my own glory.

Kate Fletcher:

I am therefore able to accept my students as He has accepted me, and really sincerely meet my students right where they're at in the mess of their lives, because He met me in the moment of every single mess of my life.

B. J. Fregly:

Hopefully, when my students look at me, they see someone who's different because of my relationship with Jesus.

Karla Shelnutt:

On campus, I really try to make it a priority to love people, and to share God's love with people.

Jed Keesling:

Individuals can have a personal relationship with Him.

Adegbola Adesogan:

He is my guide, my protector, my provider, my inspiration.

B. J. Fregly:

The most important thing that I've ever learned is that God's grace, His unmerited favor, is something that I could never earn based on anything I do, but is only made possible by Jesus' death for me on the cross.

Since 1951, Cru has helped individuals who grapple with integrating faith into daily life by offering practical steps and community support. As a result, countless people in over 190 countries have been empowered to move from passive belief to active faith.