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A Day with the Lord: Embracing Spiritual Renewal

This enlightening video invites viewers to experience "A Day with the Lord," a dedicated time for deepening their relationship with the Father and embracing spiritual renewal. It emphasizes the importance of setting aside the busyness of life to focus on being His beloved and receiving His guidance and restoration.

Key Aspects of the Video:

  • The concept of "A Day with the Lord" as a vital rhythm of life, offering a break from daily activities to engage in a pure relationship with God.

  • The importance of restoring and renewing the soul, especially in the context of the natural cycles and rhythms of life.

  • Guidance on how to spend this time effectively, including suggestions like listening to music, being in nature, or meditating in a coffee shop.

  • Tips on identifying personal worship styles and the best ways to interact with God, recognizing that each person's experience is unique.

  • The emphasis on a heart posture that seeks to enjoy God's presence and listen to His voice, rather than focusing on 'doing it right.'


This video is a gentle reminder of the need for spiritual self-care and the value of dedicating time to connect with God. It encourages viewers to discover their own ways of rejuvenating their souls and listening to God, reinforcing the idea that this personal time with the Lord is not about perfection, but about presence and relationship.

A day with the Lord is time set aside to enjoy pure relationship with the Father. It is a rhythm of life that allows time set aside from the busyness of life to practice just being His beloved, allowing Him to speak to us and to renew and restore our souls. We live in seasons, rhythms like the world around us.

There are times we are more active and participating in life. But our souls also need time to be restored, to be renewed in our true identity and to gain the Father's perspective on life and what He has to say about us. Each person experiences being restored and listening in different ways. Ask yourself, what environment restores your soul?

Where do you best listen to the Father speaking to you? Ideas include listening to great music, being in nature, sitting at a coffee shop watching others pass by, meditating on your favorite scripture. It helps to know your own personal worship style and ways to interact best with God. God is not so interested in you doing this the right way.

As you spend time enjoying Him, He will be enjoying you. A posture of the heart where we desire to be with Him and to listen to Him is foundational.

Take a day with the Lord.

Since 1951, Cru has helped individuals who grapple with integrating faith into daily life by offering practical steps and community support. As a result, countless people in over 190 countries have been empowered to move from passive belief to active faith.