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Box of Love: Faith's Transformative Power

In this heartfelt video, witness the incredible journey of faith and transformation experienced by individuals who were touched by a simple, yet profound gift – the Box of Love from Cru Inner City.


  • Margareta, a recipient of the Box of Love, shares her initial hesitations and the powerful calling she felt to spread God's message.

  • Pastor Antonio, who leads a church dedicated to spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ, narrates how the Box of Love initiative impacted his congregation and specifically Margareta.

  • Clemencia, deeply moved by Margareta's gesture and message, recounts her encounter with faith and the changes it brought into her life.

  • Celso, who found purpose and direction through Margareta's guidance and the teachings of the church, expresses his newfound devotion and commitment to faith.

Key Moments:

  • Margareta's struggle with responding to God's call and her eventual embrace of her mission to share her faith.

  • Clemencia and Celso's transformation from skeptics to devoted followers, marked by their decision to marry and be baptized.

  • The profound impact of Pastor Antonio’s guidance and the sense of community found within the church.


  • The power of faith to transform lives.

  • The journey from skepticism to belief.

  • The significance of community and guidance in finding one's spiritual path.

  • The impact of small acts of kindness, symbolized by the Box of Love, in sparking significant changes.

Join us in this inspiring story of faith, transformation, and the power of God’s love manifesting in the lives of ordinary people.

We say that we hear the voice of God. Sometimes you hear the voice, but you don't wanna answer.

Pastor Antonio:
We are a church of Jesus Christ. Our church received a Box of Love from Cru, and we gave it to Margareta.

At first, I don't know what to do. I was afraid to go – to other people and tell them about what God made in my life. My life was so empty before I came to Him. When I get home and when I pray, I ask God, I want to be part of something amazing with this box. If you guide me, I know that I'm going to be in the right place.

And God made me feel, you have to go to Clemencia. And I thought, um, well, she lives in my sister's house. So I thought she can talk to her. But the voice keep telling me, you have to go there. So, I didn't wait anymore. Took my car, took the Box of Love, and I took it to her.

And when I saw her answering at the door, and I told her, I don't want you to just enjoy a good meal, but I want to give you something even better.

When Margareta gave me the box, I told her, “I know why you came. I know you came to tell me about the Lord.”

When Margareta came, I had never found purpose in my life. So I was searching and asking questions to prove her wrong. But she was never wrong and kept answering with the truth. And this is how God came in with His word.

After that day, she came back and began to disciple us.

Pastor Antonio:
Celso and Clemencia really wanted to get baptized, but I told them they needed to get married first. And their love for God was so great that they accepted to get married.

When we look back, we see the greatness of God. I always wanted to raise my hand and say, “God, here I am!” And God saw my hand raised. As Psalm 23 says, “He is our good Shepherd.”

And I will say that since we’ve come to Him, we have lacked nothing. The church is now my home and my family. Jesus is my life.

One day, Pastor Antonio said to me, “I need your help in the church.” I said, “Pastor, are you sure? I can’t.” Then I realized it’s not me, but the Lord that works through me.

To the glory of God, we have been working for the Lord since then.

First you feel that you have nothing to say and nothing to give, but in a moment, God showed you that you have so much that you can give. You don't have to get the words ready. God will guide you. God didn't just call your name to be sitting in that chair. He called your name to do something. I mean, the King of Kings is using you to do something amazing.

With the Box of Love, something amazing happens.

Cru Inner City

Since 1951, Cru has helped individuals who grapple with integrating faith into daily life by offering practical steps and community support. As a result, countless people in over 190 countries have been empowered to move from passive belief to active faith.