Study Guides

Learn more about loving by faith with these study guides.

Bill Bright

Self-Study Guide

  1. How would you explain the difference between eros, phileo and agape love?

  2. What is unconditional love? How do you show this kind of love to others?

  3. What does Romans 8:35-39 tell us about God's love?

  4. Is the depth of God's love real to you? If so, what affect does that realization have on your life? If not, what can you do to increase your realization of His love?

  5. How would you obey the command of John 13:34?

  6. How does 1 John 3:16-19 and 4:14-19 define real love?

  7. How could you express love in the following situations?

    a. At home

    b. At school

    c. At work

    d. At church

    e. At a sporting event

  8. Why is it important to love yourself? How do you do this? What often keeps a person from loving himself? How does this affect his love for others?

  9. How and why is love powerful enough to overcome prejudice, hatred, rebellion, anger, fear, or jealousy?

  10. Why do you feel love? (See Romans 5:5)

  11. How can you claim God's love? Why is faith important in love?

  12. What resources can you cling to when you find it difficult to love someone?

    a. 1 Peter 5:7

    b. Philippians 4:13

    c. Colossians 3:2, 13

    d. 1 Thessalonians 3:12, 13

  13. How is love expressed in Colossians 1: 28?

  14. How can you relate the promise in 1 John 5:14, 15 to claiming God's power to love others by faith? How does it relate to your own involvement in personal evangelism?

  15. Make a list of people you do not like and begin to love them by faith. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ's love for each of them. Pray for each person. Think of ways you can demonstrate Christ's love to them this week.

Group Discussion Questions

  1. List and discuss the characteristics of God's love found in 1 Corinthians 13. Name a synonym for or give a short description of each characteristic. Share what each quality means to you.

  2. Discuss ways in which the church as a body of Christian believers can express its love for God and one another.

  3. Have each member of your group share about a person in their life whom they consider a "neighbor." In what way can you show love to that person?

  4. Most of us have at least one weakness in our lives that we find difficult to love. Share this concern (if appropriate) with your group. How does God's love apply to loving yourself in this area?

  5. Think of an occasion when you had to claim God's power to love your enemy. Share what happened. If there is someone in your life now who seems unlovable, what will you do this week to change that situation?

  6. What are the basic elements of the command given to believers in Matthew 22:36-40? Share what each element means to you.

  7. What roles do God's command, His promise and your will play in loving by faith? (See 1 John 5:14, 15)

  8. Loving is a growth process. Share some areas in which God is challenging you to love by faith today.

Adapted from the Transferable Concept: How You Can Love By Faith, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Cru. All rights reserved.


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