Remember: The Holy Spirit can empower you to live a Christ-directed life. As you continue to breathe spiritually (exhale – confess your sin; inhale – yield control to Christ), you will experience a deepening fellowship with God enabling you to grow in Christian maturity ...
Maturity takes time – there are no shortcuts.
It means to increase in knowledge of Christ and love for Him.
Read Philippians 3:7-10.
Read Matthew 22:37, 38.
Just as it is a natural process for a child to grow in a loving relationship with a parent, so it is also natural for you to grow in your love relationship with God.
If you met a guy or girl whom you enjoyed, what would you do to get to know that person better?
Communication is vital to any relationship, including your relationship with Christ. Since communication must be a two-way street, you need to let Him speak to you and you need to speak to Him.
Four principles of communication that will help you grow in your relationship with Christ as you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.
God communicates with you through the Bible, revealing His character and His will.
Read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.
You communicate with God through prayer, sharing your thoughts, your needs, and your desires to do His will.
Read Philippians 4:6, 7.
Pray about everything.
Pray specifically – so you can see God answer specifically.
Pray honestly – share your needs and desires to do His will (1 John 5:14, 15).
You communicate with Christians (fellowship); gaining from their experience and helping them through yours.
Just as logs burn more brightly when placed together, so Christians need each other for warmth and encouragement.
Read Hebrews 10:24, 25.
The Greek word for fellowship, koinonia, means “sharing in common.” We desperately need to share our Christian experience with others who love God and walk with Him, and likewise allow them to share with us. The church where we can meet other Christians and hear God’s Word is God’s appointed place for Christians to meet. Bible studies and meetings on campus are also extremely helpful. – Dr. Bill Bright
You communicate with non-Christians (witnessing); sharing your relationship with Christ.
Read 1 Peter 3:15
SUMMARY: Read 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7. God is the source of your growth. You cannot develop spiritual maturity just by “trying real hard.” As you read the Bible, pray, tell people about Christ, and spend time with other believers, God will be at work in you producing fruitfulness and maturity.
List some characteristics that you expect to occur as God produces growth in your life.
2 Peter 1:5-9 gives us a picture of growth.
Try to set aside time for personal Bible study and prayer.
A good passage is John 15:1-17.
As you read, underline particularly meaningful verses.
When a verse speaks strongly to you, 1) copy the verse on a sheet of paper, 2) summarize what the verse means, and 3) write down how you can apply that verse to your life.
In addition, some other suggested passages are the ones in this lesson: Colossians 1:9-12; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.
Join a Bible study group where you can enjoy fellowship with others who are also learning more about this new life in Christ.
Talk to someone about Christ.
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