Are your sexual desires taking over your life? Are you carrying secrets and feeling isolated?
This is a series created for women like you.
If you or someone you know recently became a Christian you’re absorbing lots of new ideas. What are some common misconceptions for people at this point in their spiritual journey?
Men and women struggle with pornography. But Christian women face a unique set of obstacles on the road to recovery.
There is a large divide between what people from ethnic minority cultures in this country experience and what people from the majority culture experience. This divide also exists in the church.
Jessica Harris was addicted to hardcore pornography. She wants to tell other women with similar struggles, “You’re not alone.”
I assumed as women grew and matured that the mean girls and the plastic ways would wear away. Especially in Christian circles. What happens when they don’t?
God created us uniquely, men and women, but both in His image. I want to explore the unique aspects of how women experience life-change and growth.
Mother’s Day can be a challenging time for the grieving and those without children.
For many women, there is a disconnect between what they know intellectually and what they feel to be true. And therein lies one of our problems: we trust what we feel to be true rather than what we know to be true.
This is an insightful article on a difficult subject. It’s also an awkward subject, so we’ll simply say that the ‘M’ doesn’t stand for Marriage, Mascara or Madden Football.
If faith is really about an intimate connection with God, then the idea is not to see how close to the line you can get but rather to see how close to God you can get.
I want to discuss to what the value of physical beauty is in the bigger scheme of things. As with most things, Satan has taken what God created as good and corrupted it to mess up our heads and hearts.
Discipling Women will assist you as you navigate through sensitive areas with your disciple, areas like lesbianism, sexual abuse, and depression. In this chapter Lori tackles the difficult issue of eating disorders.
The Quick Reference User’s Guide to Key Biblical Passages about Most Things Sexual.
Does anyone really know what they’re getting into when they get married?
If men are as depraved and sexually self-serving as many claim to be, then what are we? Their pure, innocent, nonsexual prey? I don’t think so.
Fantasy is a collection of insights from several contributing writers, about all the stuff women talk about and some they don’t, but should.
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