
Leading with Cru DNA

Our vision in Cru is launching movements everywhere until everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.

It’s a big picture goal of what we are trusting God to do through our movements. But what does this practically look like as we lead our movements today?

The steps to reach our vision are prayer, win, build, and send. We call this our Cru DNA. Each part of our DNA plays a unique role in the development of a movement culture and vision for building a spiritual movement.

Later, we will unpack each section (Pray, Win, Build, Send) and provide more resources, but here is a quick explanation and some ideas, followed by a sample plan.


Through prayer we express dependence upon the Lord for our life and ministry, trusting Him to change lives. Some practical ways to do this would be…

  • Including prayer in each of your leadership meetings.
  • Pray together before doing any kind of outreach.
  • Having certain times each week where your movement gathers to pray.
  • Setting aside a week during the year for a 24 hour prayer chain.


The greatest thing we can do for another person is to show them how they can know for sure that God loves them, that while they are sinners, Jesus died for them, and that all they need to do is trust Him to be Lord and Savior. Some practical ways to do this would be...

  • Lead a devotional for your leaders on why we share our faith.
  • Teach your students how to use a variety of tools to share their faith.
  • Establish a time each week to share the gospel together on campus.
  • Set a goal of how many people you all want to initiate sharing Christ with this year.


Once a person comes to Christ, we want to help them grow in their relationship with God.

  • Spend time in God’s word every day yourself and invite your students to do the same.
  • Get involved in and offer students options for Bible believing churches.
  • Train your students to use Life Concepts as a tool to follow up with anyone who has placed their faith in Christ.
  • Find spiritual mentors for each of your leaders and train them to be spiritual mentors for the rest of the movement.
  • Establish weekly small group Bible studies and other gatherings for prayer, fellowship and fun.


Finally, we want to send students on to the next place where God will grow them and use them to win, build, send others as life-long followers of Jesus.

  • Ensure that you are living a fully surrendered life.
  • Ask God regularly how you can live out pray, win, build, and send.
  • Help your students think about practical ways to live out our Cru DNA.
  • Invite everyone in your movement to conferences and summer missions so that they can see what God might do in and through them.
  • Talk with each person in your movement about their future and what it will look like to make decisions from a heart surrendered to God’s leading.
  • Consider asking students to help start new movements in other places and within other communities.
  • Making Your Plan

Below is a sample plan for what three weeks of prayer, win, build, and send could look like. Why not map out something like this each month? Evaluate it and update it with your current reality.

August 1

  • Pray
    • Set our watches to pray for our movement at 8pm every night
  • Win
    • Teach our  leadership students why we share our faith.
  • Build
    • Each of us spend time in the word every day.
  • Send
    • Learn what Summer Missions my area sends to.

August 8

  • Pray
    • Meet on Wednesday at 8pm to pray together as a movement
  • Win
    • Train students to share their faith using the Knowing God Personally booklet.
  • Build
    • Pray and prepare for launching a small group next week. Begin advertising for it.
  • Send
    • Pray about what God wants me to do with my next summer.

August 15

  • Pray
    • Pray every day for open hearts as we go share the gospel on Wednesday night.
  • Win
    • Meet on Wednesday at 8pm to go out sharing our faith together.
  • Build
    • Have the first small group meeting.
  • Send
    • Discuss with  each leader what they think God is leading them to do in the future.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all took steps of faith, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to live out this Cru DNA every week of the school year? What might God do in and through us?



Unto® Water Challenge

Wait 2 Hydrate

Wait 2 hours before drinking to reflect on those who lack clean water. Sign up to raise awareness and win prizes!

boy holding water bottle



Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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