
Key Moments in a Campus Year

Not all weeks of a campus year are created equal.

There are times of the year in which students have more time available and others when exams seep into every minute of their schedule. Here are some rhythms of the school year, and Cru ministry, that you will want to be aware of.

Developing Leaders

Because we want to be a student-led movement, developing your student leaders is a large part of what you do. We want student leaders to grow in their personal pursuit of the Lord, in leadership skills, and in ministry experience. As leaders…

  • Plan when you and your student leaders will meet for prayer, planning, and development throughout the year. Typical times are before school starts in the fall, before each semester/quarter, and maybe in April as you begin planning for the next year.
  • Determine specific student leadership roles in your movement.
  • Find mentors for each student leader.
  • Create a timeline for challenging and transitioning to new leaders for the next year.

The First Six Weeks

During the first six weeks of each new school year students tend to be more receptive to hearing about and trusting in Jesus. That’s when their hopes and fears about what lies ahead are most real. We want to invite them to experience Jesus during a time when they are most open to meeting new people and talking about spiritual things. With your student leaders…

  • Think through any training, planning, and advertising that must happen before school starts in order to be ready for this crucial time of year.
  • Praying for these new students.
  • Spending as much time as possible engaging them in spiritual conversations.
  • Begin your small groups, weekly meetings, and socials right away.

Fall Retreat

Historically, most movements have pulled away after about six weeks into the semester for a weekend at a Fall Retreat. They often join with others in their geographic location. We have found it is a great time to expose students to a Bible speaker, group prayer, and worship, so that they can focus on their spiritual growth.

One of the key goals of the Fall Retreat is helping your movement grow in community. It helps new students find their place in your group and develop deep, long lasting friendships.  

Fall Retreat is also a great launching point for a campus-wide outreach. Take time with everyone to share about your next evangelism focus and how each one can be a part of it.

  • Connect to a Fall Retreat occurring in your area.
  • Promote your Fall Retreat from the beginning and with each new student you meet.
  • Think through ways to scholarship new students as an encouragement for coming.
  • Plan an outreach for after the Fall Retreat.

Summer Missions

In Cru we call November, “GoVember”. Summer may seem far away, but students are already making future plans. Summer Missions are an incredible greenhouse of growth for your movement. There are a myriad of options for length, ministry focus, and location. Wherever they go, they will be challenged to greater depth in their walk with God, experience growth in community, and develop ministry skills. With your student leaders…

  • Learn about available options and pray together about places students might go.
  • Make a plan for promoting Summer Missions throughout the month of GoVember.

Winter and Spring Break Conferences

During the winter months and spring break, Cru has opportunities to unite your campus with other movements going after the same ministry focus you are. Students benefit from hearing what others are doing on their campuses. Each conference has passionate Bible teaching, powerful worship, training in ministry skills, and time for your movement to grow in community.

Conference Options

With your student leaders…

  • Explore the links above to find the conference(s) most closely affiliated with your movement.
  • Start sharing about your winter conference at your Fall Retreat.
  • Determine how you will promote it during the rest of your fall semester.
  • Begin promoting your spring break conference in December.



Unto® Water Challenge

Wait 2 Hydrate

Wait 2 hours before drinking to reflect on those who lack clean water. Sign up to raise awareness and win prizes!

boy holding water bottle



Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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