
Make a Difference

We believe that within five miles of every campus, God has already provided the resources to reach that campus for Jesus Christ. It might be a student, a church or churches, alumni, a faculty member, or a key volunteer.

You might just be the one that God has placed on your campus to reach it for Christ.

Picture this happening on your campus:

• Lost students being transformed by the gospel of Christ (Colossians 1:13-14)

• Christians being transformed in ‘grace and truth relationships’ (Ephesians. 4)

• The campus and world being transformed by laborers who are sent (Matthew 9:37-39)


Student LINC (Leaders in New Campuses) exists to help Christian college students as they trust God to have an impact for Christ on their campus. We can resource you to launch and lead a movement of evangelism and discipleship on your campus.

• We can pray for you as you trust God for your campus

• We can coach you over the phone and through email to help you launch and lead a ministry of evangelism on your campus. You will not be alone in this effort.

• We can equip you with ideas and resources and walk you step-by-step through any obstacles you encounter.

• We can tell you about conferences that will help you grow spiritually to grow spiritually, connect you with other students who are trusting God for their campus, and train you in ministry and leadership skills

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