
The Impact Movement

Five Steps to Starting an Impact Chapter

1. Pray. Ask God to open your eyes to grant you favor with people and to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you.

2. Decode the campus. Find out where students of African descent gather. Talk with black students about the campus, learn about existing black student groups and expose yourself to cultural events sponsored by communities of African descent.

3. Find an Impact person of peace . Explore possibilities with local black churches and meet with the president of the gospel choir or other existing black organizations. Share the Impact vision with students already involved with Cru that may have a heart to launch a movement reaching out to students of African descent. Distribute Impact Kits at key times to meet more students. Utilize social media like Twitter and Facebook.

4. Connect the key leader with The Impact Movement. Find out who the Impact team leader is for your region by visiting and let them know about the student(s) that God has brought across your path. Impact will then assign an Impact campus coach for that campus or ask you to serve as an Impact ambassador.

5. Make yourself available to resource the Impact leaders. In consultation with an Impact staff member, determine how you can best serve the Impact students and where there might be mutual points of connection with your Cru movement through prayer, evangelistic opportunities and social events. Encourage the students to attend the Impact national conference and summer mission trips with Impact.


Why Does Impact Focus on People of African Descent?

For more resources check out You can connect a student leader with Impact by visiting

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