
How to Register Your Club on Campus

When you start a new Cru chapter on your campus or just set out to re-register your existing group, it is important to have a club constitution that reflects the true purpose of the group and that communicates the way your group functions. We have developed model constitutions that reflect the mission, purpose and values of Cru that our Chapters are responsible to pursue. We have different models for each of our contextualized ministries within the Cru Campus Ministry (e.g. Destino, Epic Movement, AIA, High School, etc.).

The model constitution is the document you submit to your campus as the organizing document for the student group. You may have to adjust it to reflect the requirements your school has. Please do not adjust the mission statement or statement of faith and contact Cru ( if significant portions must be adjusted, such as the leadership standards we have.

Cru staff may access the model constitutions here .

A document you do not submit to the campus, but that is between you and Cru, establishing your relationship with Cru, is our Cru Charter. We ask that every one of our Cru-affiliated student groups to apply for Chartered status with Cru on an annual basis. This document formalizes the relationship between Cru and the student group. It says that the group is a Chapter of Cru. It indicates that Cru leadership is committed to helping you and providing resources to you, and also states that you are committed to advancing the stated mission of Cru and communicating Cru’s messages in word and deed.

Cru staff can apply for chartered status here .

The chartering process will ask if you understand and agree with the mission and purpose of our Chapters, and clarify the expectations that go with Chapter status. We are excited that you want to join us in the mission of turning lost students into Christ- centered laborers, and we want to resource you and trust God with you to do big things through your group.

If you are not Cru staff, you may go through this brief (20 min) process (through Moodle) that explains the steps of becoming a Chartered Cru group and using our model constitution. Contact your local Cru staff member or Cru coach if you have questions.

Instructions for creating a Moodle profile and enrolling in a course:

1. Email for the enrollment key, stating the name and location of your school

2. Go to

3. Click on Login (upper right corner of the screen)

4. Login with Relay Account (if you don't have a relay account then toward the middle bottom - click on register to acquire a Relay Account)

5. Enter in name

6. Click Update Profile (at the bottom of the page)

7. Click on the “Other Training” Tab in the upper right

8. Click on “Charter Application Training” on the drop down menu

9. Enter the appropriate Enrollment Key in the enrollment key box (it is case sensitive)

10. Click Enroll Me






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