
Step 15: Time for an Outreach



As you followed up the surveys taken in the dinner lines in the first week on campus, your leaders should have had ample opportunity to share their faith. So in one sense evangelism is continually happening in a healthy campus ministry.

Yet there are times during the school year where you want evangelism in the form of some major outreach or initiative to take center stage and now is one of those times.

Coming off the Fall Retreat you want to mobilize the community of faith toward the mission of reaching the campus with the gospel.

Typically you would plan or orchestrate such an event between two and four weeks after the Fall Retreat. This allows ample time to pray-up and gear-up for the event.

That event could be an evangelistic talk or some other kind of creative outreach, but it should be big enough to stretch everyone’s faith muscles. What follow are
a couple of articles that will get you thinking creatively. Download the PDF above.

More ideas can be found in the evangelism section of CruPress Green.





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