
Is Your Church Effective?

Try these suggestions in your community

There are a lot of great churches in the world, and there are a lot of areas in need of great churches. Whether your church is just beginning or has a thriving congregation, every church can improve in effectiveness. Here are a few questions to help challenge you and your church in ministry.

What other ideas have worked for you? Add them in the comments below!

Do you have a mentoring program?

Do you try new ideas for outreach?
International students

Do you seek to get involved with starting other churches around the world?

Do you have a plan for how to reach your community?

Do you send groups on regular mission trips?

Do you help your members share their story and talk to their neighbors?

Do you know how to follow up with new contacts? (try MissionHub if you need a good system)




Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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