Intro: Building Adult Spiritual Multipliers

This section of materials and resources are for those seeking to build disciples in the adult community. These materials are not a random list but carefully selected to accomplish the overall goal of moving an adult through all stages of spiritual growth. 

Starting from seeker status, these resources help a person become a believer and take a new believers through spiritual growth to a level of spiritual leadership enabling them to be disciplers of spiritual multipliers.

To use the tools effectively it is important to understand how each tool fits into the overall strategy of building multiplying disciples and how it helps someone take the next step.

Jesus makes clear that the scope of the Great Commission is nothing less than the world.  His method of fulfilling it is through making disciples.  But, interestingly, the focus of discipleship is on the individual.  In Colossians 1:28-29, Paul says that he strives to “present every man complete in Christ.”  His labor was designed to take a person from being a non-Christian through a process of change that culminated in his becoming a spiritually mature person with a love for God and a heart for people.

Discipleship, then, is a process of helping an individual to change from a worldly perspective to a perspective based upon God’s Word.  It is a progressive change in attitudes and behavior built on a growing relationship with Jesus and a commitment to God’s Word.

As a child needs to master certain basic skills before he can handle more advanced concepts, so the Christian needs to understand and apply certain basic truths to continue toward spiritual maturity.

The Stages of the Discipleship Process diagram (on the right) provides a “blueprint” that gives guidance on developing an individual’s personal walk with Christ and his ministry of evangelism and discipleship.  It illustrates an effective progression for developing a person to help them become a spiritual leader.

Note that each level has a title and a phrase that indicates the objective of that level (e.g. - Christian Foundations, “Helping People Learn the Fundamentals of the Christian Life”).  Keep the objective in mind as you evaluate each person readiness for a discipleship commitment and to determine if they are ready for the next step.

For an in-depth explanation and understanding of each level of the process you will want to study the leadership material, Practical Christian Leadership Development which explains the biblical basis of the process and how to use the resources to accomplish it.

The “tools” diagram to the right shows the resources designed to be used at each level of the process.

Resources for each level of the “Discipleship Process” (free, for purchase, etc) can be found on the following pages.


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