
Pinterest 101

As Pinterest's popularity continues to grow, there appears to be a growing opportunity to use the social network site to share content and find content that can be used as a ministry tool. Some simple steps in understand the sharing site can help users to utilize sharing to further spread the gospel.

  1. Plan for Pinning: To be successful you need to be publicizing your Pinterest page. Set up Pin It and Follow Me buttons.
  2. Check first: Make certain the sources you are pinning are correct. Be copyright savvy and make certain you're leading your followers to a legitimate website.
  3. Be Strategic: Pin across a range of boards. Add pins gradually, start new boards as necessary. Be creative with your board names, captions and pins.
  4. Be Social: Be sure to like and Pin from sources other than your own – that's how you build followers!
  5. A Picture's Worth: Pinterest is an extremely visual site. Users will see the photos before doing anything else so make sure you use visually stimulating photos. The more simple and clear the better. Infographics also do very well on this site.
  6. Don't Be Selfish: Showcase the lifestyle behind your brand. Pin about your business and others in your niche.
  7. Do You See Me: Set up your profile and pins to be noticed. Add categories, keywords, engaging captions, hashtags and URLs to your Pins and your “About” profile.

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