Digital Outreach

Before and After Video on Text

  1. Pick 2 Words (one that describes your life before walking with Christ and one that describes your life after walking with Christ).
  2. Write a script or bullet points (max. 400 words/under 1 minute) detailing how you have changed from the first word to the second word.
  3. Practice! Give yourself time to think and embody your story.
  4. Film and record yourself.
  5. Edit the footage (add text animations, etc.)

Text the Video to a Friend

  1. Share your “Before and After” video by text with a friend who is not at Winter Conference
  2. Include one of the following blurbs:
    1. Hey Friend! I just made this video that shares a bit of my story. Something I’m doing this winter break is hearing where my friends are at with their spiritual journey. Could you watch it and let me know what you think?
    2. Hey Friend! I made this video that shares a bit of my life story and am wondering if you’ve seen this change in my life. Could you watch it and let me know?
  3. Follow Up Questions:
    • If they didn’t respond…
      • Hey _______! I was wondering if you had a chance to watch my video? What did you think?
    • If someone responded…
      • That’s awesome, thanks for your thoughts. Would you say there was one part that you related to more than another?
      • Thanks friend! I’m curious what you would say if you were to rate your desire to know God on a scale of 1-10?
      • Thanks! If you could pick your own words to describe your spiritual journey, what would they be?
      • Thanks! Something I’m doing with this video is hearing where my friends are at with their spiritual journey. If you were to rate your desire to know God on a scale of 1-10, what would it be?
  4. Continue the Conversation. Keep sharing more of your story and try to get to sharing the gospel or asking if you could give them a call over the phone, Facetime or Google Hangout to share a bit more about how you came to know God personally and hear more about how their summer is going.

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