Digital Outreach

Use Falling Plates as a Way to Share the Gospel

#FallingPlates 이미지

#FallingPlates is a simple, relevant and compelling way to share the gospel. In four minutes, this video covers the life, love and death of the Savior. It invites the viewer to a true and lasting relationship with Christ.

#FallingPlates has been seen more than 3,635,000 times with many expressing how it has influenced their lives. We desire for many more to become followers of Christ through watching this film.

You can play a part.

Tweet, Blog, Post or Share #FallingPlates

Here's what you can do:

1. Share the video.

2. Mobilize others to join in this campaign.

  • Encourage others to join you, to share their faith using this film.
  • Make it a group activity with your church or ministry groups.

3. Watch and pray.

  • Anticipate what God will do through this effort.
  • Respond to your friends’ questions after they watch the video. Follow up with them.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of those who watch it.

The best part is, #FallingPlates has already compiled some great ideas for sharing it.

Will you join us? Comment below how you plan to use this video to start conversations about the gospel.


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