Have you ever had the experience of being approached by someone who tried to persuade you that their worldview was true? What was positive and/or negative about that experience?
Summary: Adding some thoughtful questions to Would You Like to Know God Personally? or other gospel booklets can make using these transferable tools a truly interactive, safe and positive experience.
For this lesson you should be able to go through Knowing God Personally online. You can also use the GodTools iOS and Android apps.
Read Colossians 4:2-6.
“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” (New International Version)
There may not be an easier way to share the gospel than using a gospel booklet like Knowing God Personally, or KGP for short. A relational and engaging way to use the KGP is to add exploratory questions at the end of each point rather than leading questions and statements. Today, in a culture where authenticity is highly valued, asking leading questions (or questions to which you already know the answer) communicates a disingenuous attempt to know and care for someone. This approach to sharing the gospel makes it difficult to foster trust and create a safe environment that allows people to lower their guard and be honest.
Another current cultural reality is that many people don’t have a clear sense of what they believe or why they believe it. Asking exploratory questions helps people process their own worldview and the truth, which is increasingly becoming more foreign and confusing. Asking genuine, exploring questions puts us in the posture of concerned helpers for their benefit, rather than pushy Christians looking to benefit ourselves.
One of the tremendous benefits to this conversational approach is that it is very easy to adapt it to other evangelism methods and to any spiritual conversation.
Introduce the KGP by saying something like, “I’d love to get your thoughts on what it means to know God personally.” Notice that this is a subtle yet significant difference from what you may have often heard: “Can I share with you how to know God personally?” Avoid using words like “share” and “present.” We want to express a desire to understand others more than a desire to be heard. In this way, we can truly help others gain a more clear understanding of the gospel.
Read through the KGP with someone, but replace the written questions with the following questions:
At the end of Principle 1 ask:
At the end of Principle 2 ask:
At the end of Principle 3 ask:
Notice that each of these three responses are essentially the same question. If you memorize the first part, adding the subject will be easy. You can also use this approach to ask exploratory questions on just about any topic.
Roleplay: In pairs have each person try introducing the KGP and going through it until you arrive at the circle diagrams. If someone responds with doubts or disagreements about anything in the KGP, be sure to affirm them for their responses. Commonly once you’ve affirmed or acknowledged their concerns, you’ll be able to continue going through the booklet. If their concerns persist, be sure to address these further. In the last section of this lesson there are some additional ideas about how to help people through their doubts and objections.
Before the circle diagram on Section Four ask:
After explaining the circles ask:
After reading through the Prayer ask:
Then ask one of these two questions:
Some additional options you can encourage people consider are:
Roleplay: Pair up again and, starting at the circle diagrams, roleplay through to the end of the KGP.
When people raise doubts about something they’ve read in the KGP, don’t feel that you have to give the right answer. If you can share something that would help them understand more clearly, please do so. Keep in mind that there are five common barriers people have that make it difficult for them to come to know Jesus. Listening for these five barriers will help you understand how to help people move past their barriers.
Depending on the barrier(s) you identify, respond with questions that will help them process their doubts and the truth of the gospel. You may be surprised by how effective these questions can be in helping people process the gospel and self-discover what they really believe and why.
1. Check-In Questions:
2. Understanding Questions:
3. Clarifying Questions:
4. Possibility Questions:
5. Explore Confusion and Contradiction Questions:
6. Heart Level Questions:
Brainstorm: Share some of the barriers people might have shared during their roleplay. Then, as a group, think of some good questions you could ask someone to help them process those barriers and the truth of the gospel.
Roleplay: Take some time this week to practice asking questions through the KGP at least three more times.
Pray: In light of what we’ve discussed, how can we pray for each other right now?
Since we last met, what happened as a result of expressing Christ’s love to others?
How can you, or we, initiate conversations to explore people’s thoughts on the gospel through the KGP this week?
With whom will you/we initiate?
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