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Today we encounter a wide variety of questions related to sexuality and gender. As followers of Christ, we want to navigate LGBT+ questions in a way that is compassionate to people and faithful to scripture.
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Part of our problem with accepting God's authority and honoring Him is that we have lost our concept of majesty. With little sense of the majesty of God, we have trouble submitting to His sovereignty and worshipping Him. For most Christians, true worship is not something they practice very often or well. In his book, The Attributes of God, A. W. Tozer explains our dilemma:
"The modern Christian has lost a sense of worship along with the concept of majesty [of God]....It is this that makes Christianity, and we have all but lost it. Added numbers, yes, but lost fear. Tons of literature being poured out, of course, but no consciousness of the divine Presence. Better communication, certainly, but nothing to communicate."
Understanding God's sovereignty causes us to focus on Him, not ourselves. Our response is to fall at His feet and give Him everything we are and own.
Think of your life as a house with many rooms. Go through each "room" and surrender both the room and the contents to Him. If you have a closet full of fears, let Him control that part of your life. Invite Him into the room where you hide your insecurities and hurts. Let Him take down that monument of pride to your own abilities and talents that you have displayed in your living room. Ask Him to control your checkbook and bank account.
Everything you "lose" by serving Him He will replace with something so much better. He controls the universe; He will, without doubt, enrich your life with joy, peace, happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, and rewards far beyond your wildest imagination!
Your View of God Really Matters ...
Recognize God's sovereignty right now by humbling yourself before Him. Totally and irrevocably submit to His lordship of your life. Worship Him by giving Him everything you own.
Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.
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