Nestled above South Africa, Botswana is one of the most politically and economically stable African countries.
Botswana offers some of the most diverse wildlife viewing on the continent and is a major tourist destination. The Kalahari Desert comprises most of the country and is made up of many small towns and villages. Young Botswanans come from all over to study in Gaborone at the University of Botswana and then eventually return home to help improve their towns and villages. This makes the University of Botswana strategic in reaching the whole nation for Christ. Furthermore, the vision of Cru staff is to see laborers raised up and sent north to help reach the Muslim parts of Africa. Through reaching students in Botswana you can have a part in reaching all of Africa and beyond with the gospel!
Gaborone, the capital, has a modern feel with many western conveniences and an array of exciting things to do. However, drive 30 minutes outside the city and you will see the poverty of the surrounding townships and how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has impacted the country. It is estimated that more than one third of the population is infected with this deadly virus. Your primary focus will be ministering to students on your campus, but you will also have opportunities to travel to some of these townships and villages. You can help bring the hope of Christ to those effected by this awful disease.
The students of Botswana are very spiritually open and many come to the university already as believers but need guidance to know how to follow Christ wholeheartedly. Many of your conversations will center around clarifying what is the true gospel and how to live a Spirit-filled life. Come help an already established Cru movement grow and reach Botswana for Christ!
Check out this video from the local “BotsCru” ministry to see what life and ministry in Gaborone is like.
You will be studying at the The University of Botswana. If your university does not have a study abroad program already established with Botswana, we recommend going through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) as it is cheaper and more flexible than other options.
The University of Botswana is one of the top 40 universities in Africa and classes tend to transfer easily. You will be able to earn credit toward your degree by taking courses in a variety of disciplines. The University of Botswana has seven different faculties (colleges): Business, Education, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, Social Sciences and a School of Graduate Studies. You can find classes that are beneficial to almost any major and can expect instruction levels to be similar to what your receive in the United States.
Approximate semester dates are early-January through mid-May or late-July through early-December. America’s spring semester is Botswana’s fall semester, and vice versa.
Ministry at the University of Botswana looks similar to many Cru movements on American campuses and students are very open to the gospel and spiritual conversations. You will be working alongside a local ministry staff team made up of American STINTers, national interns and Cru staff from Zimbabwe. As a student you will have unique ability to share your faith with the hope of reaching every pocket of UB’s campus with the gospel. You may also have opportunities to show the Jesus Film in surrounding townships and villages as well as help those directly impacted by HIV-AIDs.
Students with ISEP are housed in the on-campus undergraduate dorms with other international students.
English and Tswana are Botswana’s two official languages and the university classes are all taught in English. In most places in Gaborone, you will be fine with just English. As with any foreign mission, the more you can learn their national tongue, the more you will endear yourself to locals and better understand the culture.
If you go through ISEP you can expect a cost of around $9,950 for the semester for general programs and $10,500 for Science and Engineering programs which includes tuition, housing, meals, and insurance. Additional costs are estimated between $1,800-$2,100 to cover airfare, in-country transportation, and some minimal ministry expenses.
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