Locations - Study Abroad

Cape Town, South Africa

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Do you thirst for adventure?

Picture yourself climbing Table Mountain, taking a safari or going shark cage diving while studying abroad on one of the most beautiful campuses in the world, which also happens to be the best university in Africa. Now consider the impact of reaching the top young leaders from all across the continent with the gospel of Jesus Christ as you serve alongside our experienced staff team.

South Africa is as diverse as it is beautiful. Cape Town feels like a modern western city with all the conveniences we enjoy here at home and a vast array of exciting things to do. But then, drive 30 minutes outside the city and you will see the intense poverty of the surrounding townships. Although your primary focus will be ministering to other students on your campus, you will also be able serve with our missionary staff in those overcrowded townships every couple weeks.

You will experience incredible community and grow in your own faith as you live, study and minister alongside other missionally-minded students and staff. Is God calling you to Cape Town?

Check out this video from one of Cru’s recent Summer Missions to Cape Town to get an idea of what this great city is like!


Where can I study?

You will be studying at the number one university in all of Africa: The University of Cape Town. For a great academic experience, we recommend you go through International Studies Abroad, although there are also a number of other good options.

What types of classes can I take?

You will be able to earn significant credit toward your degree by taking courses in a variety of disciplines. The University of Cape Town has five different faculties (colleges): Commerce, Engineering and the Built Environment, Health Sciences, Humanities, and Science. You can find classes that are beneficial to almost any major. You don’t have to focus on only one area of study and you will also have opportunities to study the history and culture of the region. You should expect the level of your courses to be fairly similar to the instruction you receive in the United States.

When can I go?

Approximate semester dates are mid-January through mid-June or early July through mid-November. Our spring semester is their fall semester, and vice versa.

What kind of ministry will I be doing?

Ministry in Cape Town actually looks pretty similar to what Cru staff and students do on American campuses. Students in South Africa are very open to the gospel. You will be working alongside your team, local ministry staff, and South African students to share your faith with the hope of reaching every pocket of UCT’s campus with the gospel. You may also have opportunities to engage in serving South Africans living in the townships just outside of Cape Town.

Where will I live?

You will live off campus in apartment-style housing relatively close to UCT.

Will there be a language barrier?

South Africa actually has 11 official languages, but English is very common in Cape Town and classes at UCT are all in English.

How much will this cost?

You can expect a cost of around $17,000 for the semester which includes airfare, food and housing, in-country transportation, administrative fees, and tuition.

When is the application deadline?

  • For fall semesters, please apply here by August 1st.
  • For spring semesters, please apply here by December 1st.
  • For summer terms, please apply here by May 1st.

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