


Population: 25,000,000

Located in Oceania, continent between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean


Map of Australia

Australia is a secular country with freedom of religion. Since 1971 there has been an increase from 5% of the population identifying having no religion increasing to 30% of the population in 2016. This number is expected to rise as perceptions of the Church continue to worsen. The majority of those picking no religion is due to the rise of evidence-based approach and trusting science. Of the 52% of population still identifying as Christian only 7% say they are extremely involved. But despite a drop in those identifying as Christian, there has been a rise of those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious. With 55% of the population talking about spirituality or religion at least occasionally. Australians are still interested in being spiritual but not with the title of following a religion. (Full report at

Why did God bring me here?

Why did God bring me here?

Hannah grew up actively disliking God. The first 15 years of her life were spent denying Him outright and laughing at those who chose to believe. Those years of denial and ignorance hit her all at once one night.

6 Minutes to Faith

A filmmaker’s passion leads to a new evangelistic resource.

A Shoe, a Water Bottle and a Pen Illustrate the Gospel

Two girls find a way to make the gospel clear to a Chinese student in Australia using objects at hand.

Medical Missionaries Help Villagers See Again

Volunteers with Global Aid Network use their medical skills to help villagers.

Australian Programmers Develop Evangelism App

Two Australian computer programmers develop a new application for the iPhone to help people share their faith.

Seeking Spiritual Health

Scott and Belinda Loughton see their marriage healed and are introduced to Jesus through their local doctor and his wife, a volunteer with FamilyLife Australia.

Yes, it’s possible to have a long-distance ministry

Caitlin discovers she can be a full-time student and a full-time missionary simultaneously. She helps launch a Student Life movement on her college campus.

When a surfer went missing; a chaplain’s response

Russ Harmon serves as a chaplain in Australia’s Lifesaving Chaplaincy program, explaining the gospel to those around him through pastoral care.

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