Today, Cru Brazil has 65 missionaries and can be found caring out it's vision all over Brazil.
In 1970, pioneer Manuel Simões Filho loving known as Neco, started the movement in Brazil. Neco recalls that he started the ministry at the University of São Paulo with very little financial resources, so he had to make the "Four Spiritual Laws" evangelistic booklet by hand.
Over the last 45 years Cru has partnered with various churches in Brazil to promote relevant initiatives to evangelize the nation. One initiative that involved the national media was the distribution of the book, "Strength to Live", which was a testimony of a player from the Brazilian soccer team. Still today we hear testimonies of people that were reached for Christ by reading that book.
Rua Carlos Petit, 258
04110-000-Vila Mariana
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Phone: (+55)11 5908-4111
Win, build, and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples that will build spiritual movements everywhere.
Movements everywhere, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
The university campus offers a wide range of perspectives. However, this multiplicity of opinions leaves many students without a compass with regard to an absolute truth. We are left with a generation that is the result of a society where ethics and morals are relative. Yet, today's students are seeking a genuine spiritual truth. From the moment they embrace faith in Christ, they feel the need to share this hope with others in creative and relevant ways.
The Leader's movement believes that it is possible to change the society in which we live by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our commitment is to reach men and women in leadership positions and empower them to influence and develop other leaders in their areas of expertise. This is our mission field.
Generating Life is the ministry that works with Christian churches and aims to reach as many people as possible for Christ through evangelism strategies, discipleship and planting new multiplying churches.
The purpose of the ministry is to serve the Brazilian evangelical leadership by offering up-to-date, relevant and useful ministry tools that add value and fruit to the efforts of building and empowering pastors and leaders. Generating Life seeks to assist them in their task of caring for the body of Christ.
You might be surprised to realize that there is a new mission field located right inside your house. It is called the Internet, and it has created new rules. How are you reaching people in your community and in the world who do not go to church or who have never been to church? Think web-based evangelism.
Jesus said, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; And then the end shall come." (Matthew 24:14)
Soccer, volleyball, basketball ... Almost every Brazilian practices or enjoys some sport.
We strive to win athletes for Jesus and we seek to train them and build them up in the Word. We want to help them integrate their faith in Christ with sport.
Whether we are working with professional teams, clubs, schools, communities or our international projects, the challenge is always to make Jesus known in all areas of society.
We believe:
- prayer is not an activity but a posture of the heart, always attentive and connected with Jesus;
- prayer is how we live our relationship with God on the journey through greater intimacy with Him;
- God's work in us and through us begins with our daily connection and fellowship with Him.
That is why we seek to live a lifestyle of prayer.
If we want to have movements everywhere, we need to work on developing people. As a mission, we take care of those who are our most important resource: our missionary team.
Each person is accompanied from the moment he/she joins the team, throughout their missionary life. We work in the areas of relationship: with God, with ourselves and with others, as well as ministry and leadership skills.
We want to administer all the resources that we receive well, as we advance the vision and mission of the organization.
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