To see spiritual movements in all of Argentina, so that every person knows someone that is a true follower of Jesus is only possible by exposing and reaching others with the gospel, building them in faith and sending them to do the same with others.
Argentina is living in an unprecedented time in the history of Biblical Christianity. The gospel is being spread like never before. Thousands of people are coming to Christ. God is in the business of building His spiritual movement. He is preparing the soil for a harvest of unimaginable proportions in the months and years to come.
Our goal is that each inhabitant of Argentine soil would hear the voice of God.
Paraguay 1977 (1121)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Phone: (+5411) 5252-5261
Movements of spiritual multiplication among students is much more than a vision, it is part of an essential global strategy to help reach the world for Christ.
Sergio, a student of the Catholic University of Santa Fe located in Posadas, started a movement a couple of years ago in his city in the province of Misiones. He took the initiative to give each student (more than twenty thousand at the National University of Misiones) the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. After participating in a summer camp in Cordoba he accepted the challenge to be part of what God is doing, by being involved while he finishes his degree in architecture.
He quickly learned he couldn't do it alone and he needed other students to help him. Within a couple of months he contacted more than 20 students, and shared his burden and started to meet with them each week to seek God's direction together.
We help build spiritual movements within the ten percent of the population that are leaders, because by their influence they can be used by God to acclerate the saturation of the rest of society and make an impact with the principles and values of the teachings of Jesus in their different spheres: family, education, economics, business, religion, art, sports, culture, communication, and politics, among others.
The Buenos Aires Project: The city of Buenos Aires and Conurbano Boanerense make up the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, with over sixteen thousand people. We are launching strategies to reach young profesionals, businessmen and women, entrepreneurs and leaders. Through missional communities we want to integrate these people, families and acquaintances. We dream that all would experience the love of Jesus and impact all sectors of society.
We help the body of Christ reach their community with the gospel, by starting dynamic groups that grow people's faith, and by initiating a process of multiplication in other churches and serving in a city, a country, and the world at large.
We are helping establish communities in cities, villages and the most marginal places in the world, so that everyone in the world has an opportunity to hear the message of the gospel in a culturally relevant way.
In the city of Salta, Argentina, thousands of people are being reached by the partnership between Cru and the local churches to establish new Christian communities in the entire province. Every year we have our missionary projects in the month of July in the Valles Calchaquíes located in the northeastern part of the country.
Recognizing that many people in the world are utilizing the Internet to explore spirituality, we see evangelism and discipleship through the virtual world as a critical component to help people start a relationship with God and become true followers of Jesus.
In Digital Strategies in Argentina we work on different creative strategies to develop social network resources and web tools to reach thousands of people with the message of Jesus Christ.
Many students, professionals and other volunteers participate each year in our mission projects that last 1-3 weeks, in a community where they serve others, by helping them with their basic needs, and showing them how to have a relationshipi with God and how to grow in their faith. Some build or paint schools, give talks, or attend to their physical needs by providing medical help and dentistry. Children and adolescents are helped through sports, games, tutoring, camps, and movie showings. Shoes, clothes, food, medicine and school supplies are also donated as needed.
The Calchaquí Valley Project: The Calchaquí Valley is an area adopted by Cru, that is made up of regions from the provinces of Salta, Tucumán and Catamarca in northeast Argentina. Every winter, in the month of July, without fail, 150 students, professionals and other volunteers break up into groups of 10-15 people and they live and serve in dozens of surrounding communities by helping them with their basic needs, and showing them how to have a relationship with God and help them grow in their faith.
The Mapuche Project: This summer project works with the indigenous Mapuche population in Patagonia (southern Argentina) in the Neuquén and Chubut provinces. The project focuses on house visits and community projects. School snacks are provided, and medical teams attend to their physical needs and dispense medication to families and clinics as needed. Local churches are served and planted as fruit of the project, while training and workshops are offered to local leaders.
The Red Earth Path Project: Is carried out during the second semester of the year in the Misiones Province, a region known for its jungles. Students, professionals and volunteers who seek to contribute to the social transformation of the province are inspired to serve the community with the values that are modeled in the life of Christ.
The Nehemiah Project: On January 12, 2010 an earthquake shook the island of Haiti causing a humanitarian crisis. In July of 2013 a team of students and professionals from Argentina traveled to Haiti with the goal of contributing in the rebuilding of the nation. The mission of the Nehemiah Project is to, "Mobilize those that are in the dark to the spiritual light; from hopelessness to eternal life." The pillars of the project are Leadership Development, Education, Medical Attention, and Sustainable Projects.
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