Cote d'Ivoire

Cote D’Ivoire: Learning to tell others about Jesus

Olivier trains and models evangelism to young men at his church.

Cote D’Ivoire Pamoja photo Left to right: Craig, Olivier and Constant with another Abidjan student, Stephané Ehouman.

Olivier Niambe is a student at the University of Abidjan in Cote D’Ivoire, Africa. After meeting Craig Hauquitz, an international campus staff member with Cru in Cote D’Ivoire, Olivier became involved with the ministry at his campus. Olivier began meeting with Craig one-to-one for mentorship, evangelism training, talking about the Bible and prayer.

During this time, Olivier and another student, Constant Diomandé, asked Craig to come to their churches and teach people how to use evangelism tools like the Four Spiritual Laws booklet that explains how to know God. But Craig used it as a leadership opportunity and encouraged them to talk to their pastors about hosting the training on their own.

So, Olivier took the tools to his pastor and asked if he could use them to begin teaching some of the young men at his church. The pastor said yes.

Olivier began leading young men at his local church, training them to use the Four Spiritual Laws booklet. They received it with great excitement. “They had never seen it. They were asking if they could have it,” Olivier says. “The young men were already Christians, but had never learned how to communicate their faith in Jesus to someone else. “They did not know they could be telling others about Jesus!” Olivier explains.

Later, Olivier took the students into the community to tell people about Jesus. The group saw people pray and accept Christ and were so excited they wanted to do it again. “I have something precious,” Olivier says, “the Word of God. And I know I have to share it with somebody.”

Olivier also used a Cru six-step follow up training with some of the young men, talking about topics like “How to be sure you are a Christian” and “How to be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

“Craig was encouraging me to go forward and spread the gospel, telling people about Jesus,” Olivier says. “I’m thankful to God for Craig and the encouragement he gives me to do ministry. He is always behind me. I feel stronger, like I can go forward and I have someone to be excited about ministry with.”

“I know something about God,” he says. “I have to share it.”

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Côte d'Ivoire

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