Get Involved - Inner City New York City

Cru® Staff Opportunities

Share the Good News. Serve the Poor.

Give a Life — Join the Inner City Staff!

Be part of a team committed to partnering with wholistic inner-city churches and ministries to fulfill the Great Commission, seek justice, and change a city! Applying to the full-time staff of Cru® is one of the greatest decisions you will ever make. Here are some basic questions people ask when joining staff.

What cities can I go to?

We currently have staff teams in ten U.S. cities: Atlanta, Bakersfield, Chicago, Detroit, Jacksonville, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York, and Orlando. Your placement would be determined by a city's staffing needs, your preference, and the best environment for your personal development.

Is there training?

Yes! It begins with New Staff Training at one of four annual Cru New Staff Trainings. Ongoing field training in both ministry skills and spiritual development happens at your city assignment. Online courses from the International School of Theology and summer study ensure that you continue growing throughout your ministry career.

How will I support myself?

Our Full-Time Staff members raise their own financial support, as do all Cru missionary staff. Don't let this prospect intimidate you! If God has called you, go in faith that He will provide the resources. Extensive training, coaching, and tools are provided.

What if I'm not sure Full-Time Staff is for me?

Inner City Interns spend 9–12 months in inner-city ministry to develop their abilities and to help discern God's call to full-time ministry (see "Inner City Internship"). Associate Staff volunteer in inner-city ministry while working at a secular job. You may also raise support for training and ministry expenses.

How do I apply?

Online Staff Application

For more information, email Brad Harry.

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